Amid the travel ban, social distancing being the course of action and stay-at-home-order to take until told otherwise, people have adapted to the changes brought about by COVID-19. There has been a stop to the normal routines of our everyday life. However, moves aren’t always something that can wait for those who have already made plans to move — staying is sometimes simply not an option. But how does move work during this pandemic and stay safe? In an effort to help the process be stress-free & seamless for you, here are some of the tips to keep yourself and others safe during your relocation.
Do it yourself
Most of the cities have designated moving services as “essential” however, many companies have paused or reduced the working hours. Finding the right moving service provider might be a bit difficult. Nothing can be the best deal, if you can, try to manage the move on your own. Do your homework and find out the companies that are operating in your area. Give them a call and ask about the sanitation process, check whether the movers have all the required supplies such as gloves and masks, and also get confirmation if there is any cancellation policy in the event that you need to change your plans.
Limit Contact
Limiting close contact with those outsides of your immediate household is particularly important. Hence, if you have decided to hire a moving company, ask for a virtual quote. Also, check whether the company offers a completely contactless service. Try to move with your own vehicle carrying all your essential belongings. It’s important to do your research as the closure of non-essential businesses does vary by state, or sometimes even county or city. However, moving companies are so far considered to be essential, and are operational.
Take extra sanitary precautions
Always keep wearing your masks, gloves and keep sanitizing your hands when needed. Make sure to keep additional hygiene products available even when the company you’re hiring for the move is likely to bring similar supplies for their workers. Frequently disinfect touched objects and surfaces. Be particular about the doorknobs and handles and keep sanitizing them. You can also place hand sanitizer by doors and soap and paper towels next to sinks. Avoid picking the used boxes from the store as the coronavirus has been found to live on cardboard for up to 24-hours. It’s better to buy new boxes or use the boxes that you already have in your home.
Be flexible & strictly follow COVID-19 safety guidelines
Before your move to your new place, reach out to your neighbors in advance especially if you live in an apartment building. Share the details like the date and time you plan to limit unnecessary contact and questioning. Simply, greet your neighbor with a smile and not a handshake. It’s not rude but helps in minimizing the risk of infection to others while giving keeping your family safe as well. If you or any family members are experiencing even mild Covid-19 symptoms, postpone your moving plans. It’s better to wait and reschedule the move. We understand that rescheduling can be a pain, however, the health and safety of not only your family but the community should be your priority.
Moving during the pandemic wouldn’t be easy. A transition to a new home can be deeply stressful and isolating, yet you can pull it off with some planning and a few precautionary steps.
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